If you have a bag or a case, put it on the floor beside your chair. Do not clutch it nervously or, worse still, drop it, spilling everything. 如果你带有手提包或手提箱,就把它放到桌椅旁的地上,不要紧张得抓着不放,更糟糕的是把包或箱子摔在地上,让东西撒了一地。
Making sure the brain's glucose levels do not drop could be the secret to staying slim, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggested. 临床研究杂志的一项研究表明,维持大脑中的葡糖糖水平就是身段苗条的秘诀。
Do not use drop shadows, gradients, or three-dimensional images. 不要使用阴影、渐变或三维图像。
Do not worry if you drop the widget in the wrong place, it is easy to drag it to the correct place. 如果将小部件放在错误的位置,也不要担心,可以很容易地将它拖到正确的位置。
Do not drop the hand as soon as yours has touched it as this will seem to show you do not like the other person. 也不要一触到对方的手就马下放下,那样的话似乎让人感到你对对方没有好感。
It raises the lowest price growers will be paid for some crops. And it offers a taxpayer-supported insurance program to farmers, the program guarantees that their wages do not drop much from year to year. 它提高了种粮户某些作物的最低支付额,还向农民提供一个纳税人支撑的保险项目。该项目确保农民的工资不会每年大幅下降。
Planes do not drop BomBs, they "deliver ordnance". 飞机并不是投掷炸弹,而是运送军火。
We do NOT need to drop items more frequently because of Bind on Equip. 我们根本不需要因为绑定物品而提高爆率。
Even the latest trade figures do not show a fall in Chinese exports-only a drop in their pace of growth. 就连最新的贸易数据也没有显示出中国外贸出口的下降,只是增速的回落。
But there is no more room for false moves, because Inter do not seem to drop even a point. 但他们不能再犯错了,因为现在这支国米看起来不会轻易丢分。
Bicycle or walk more, and do not just drive everywhere at the drop of a hat. 多骑单车或走路,不要动不动到那里都开车。
If they do not agree, the government might be forced to go to war or drop the idea. 而这些民地武组织如果不同意接受整编,那么政府可以对其开战,当然也可以放弃整编构想。
Oh, God do not drop me! 哦,上帝,请别抛弃我!
If the price of real estate do not drop this year, the index of stock market can not rise. 如果今年中国房地产价格不降,股市指数不会上涨。
The Old Trafford club do not drop points by design but the players are at least sure of their own powers of recovery. 曼联这支老牌俱乐部并不是有意为球员制造“破釜沉舟”这种局面的。但曼联的球员确实对自己“后发制人”的能力感到骄傲。
Personal Signature: I do not know if I was a bottle or bottle of the drop. 个人签名:我不知道我是瓶子,还是瓶子里的一滴水。
Outbreaks can occur several times a year and most infected animals do not survive& many drop dead within hours. 每年该病可能暴发几次,感染最严重的动物无法存活&许多在数小时之内就会死去。
NPC ships that do not drop any salvageable materials will drop a container instead of a wreck when destroyed. 如果任务代理人的飞船不掉落可打捞材料,那在飞船被击毁时就会掉落一个货柜。
Do not see the market drop on palpitation, for short-term customer needs is the amplitude of stock market and large, do not expect the market up there every day, this market can not exist in2009! 不要看见大盘下跌就心慌,对于短线客需要的是大盘和个股的振幅大,并不指望有天天上扬的行情,这种行情也不可能在2009年存在!
Although there are serious shortcomings in the main arguments for a further commodity bull market, prices do not have to drop substantially. 虽然支持大宗商品市场进一步走强的主要理由存在重大缺陷,但大宗商品价格并不一定会大幅下跌。
If you do not have a digital camera, you can just drop off your film and ask them to print them off as sepia. 如果您没有一台数码相机,您可以只落你的电影,并要求他们打印将它们赶走,作为深褐色。
· Do not drop or otherwise subject the cassette to shock impact. We should avoid confrontation as much as possible. 避免带子跌落,也不要使其受到冲击。我们应该尽量避免正面冲突。
Be careful that you do not drop it! 当心别把它摔到地上!
Right now the most difficult challenge for Olympus is what best they must do not to drop the ball. 眼前对Olympus对具困难的挑战是他们必须做到最好而不是放弃。
I do not conjecture an immediate drop in demand. 我推测需求不会马上降低。
But I do not drop in no sense because I am resolved to catch up with you without restraint! 但从某种意义上说我决不放弃,因为我决心无拘无束的去追求你!
Do not drop away at critical moments. 关键时刻千万不能掉链子。
I really had a joy; do not want time shed its last drop of blood. 我实在怀有喜悦,不希望时光放尽它的血。
In the magnitude range studied the P-wave first impulse width and the source radius do not increase with ML, and the stress drop increases with ML. 在所研究的震级范围内,初动半周期和震源半径不随ML而增大,应力降则随ML而增大。
As the heat-adaptive time runs through the critical time, the HSP gene expression of Pattern 2 and Pattern 3 do not drop as immediately as that of Pattern 1, suggesting extra modes of transcriptional regulation. 热适应超过临界时间后,模式二和模式三的HSP基因表达却没有像模式一那样马上减少,说明存在不同的转录调控。